Sunday, April 22, 2012

"Burr, come out in Jesus' Name!"

You know, sometimes the Lord just smiles at our childlike faith.  I was chatting with a friend exchanging prayer requests and on a side note mentioned the piece of a burr that imbedded itself in my hand today. Immediately responding with, a little prayer I looked at my hand and had an idea. With my hand not 5 inches from my face, eyes locked on the burr, I pointed at it saying, "burr, come out of my hand now in Jesus' name!!!" Waiting and watching I half expected it to do as I commanded, and half figured it wouldn't, but it was in that moment that the Lord broke in with power!

Although I was in Thailand and couldn't watch the SuperBowl game last year, someone forwarded this commercial to me. And as I was sitting there, commanding this little burr to get out of my hand, the Lord brought me back to it. 

I confess that I neglect (and sometimes refuse) to pray the "little" prayers which come to mind throughout the day. And to be honest, it's often been out of the fear of man. If you'd have seen me trying to command this little burr out of my hand, you'd have laughed, and that wouldn't have bothered me. But somewhere in my journey I allowed the enemy to build this fear of man in the form of being afraid of looking childish. Taking what the Lord gave me as a gift, a wisdom and maturity beyond my years, the devil schemed to distort it and make it a thorn of fear, shame and regret. 

Tonight as I sat in the comfort of my own room, boldly speaking to the thorn to come out - the Lord did just that. He took me to the 1 minute story of a child who was trying to do something out of his own will and power, who looked cute, but was ultimately powerless. Through the father's delight in encouraging his son, the child was filled with joy and awe as the awareness of his authority was strengthened! 

Now, the burr did not come out, nor did the little boy have the powers to turn the car on, but what God revealed was just a glimpse of His delight in me and how He loves my childlike faith! I think sometimes God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus just giggle a little together seeing our reaction to when they answer our silly little prayers. For example, had that burr physically come up out of my skin while I was watching - my reaction would have probably had Him nudging Holy Spirit and winking at Jesus while they laughed. The fact that I would boldly enter His throne room, asking for the simplest of things, brightens His day and to me, that's amazing!  When we realize how much He desires to have a place in the smallest areas of our ordinary, silly, childish lives, then we can truly be transformed by the love He has for us.  

My thorn has been removed, and though the burr is not out, it will joyfully me remind me of His Delight in my Childlike Faith for the next few days - and that is 100% fine by me! 

"And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them." (Mark 10:13-16 ESV) 

Love Always

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