I have been working with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Kona, one of the largest missions sending and training organizations in the world, for 6 years.
It has been an amazing journey around the world ministering in Thailand, Haiti, Jamaica, Samoa, Australia, Papua New Guinea and within the United States of America. I have been blessed to have spend most of this time mentoring people from over 20 different nations including: Canada, the United States, Haiti, Australia, Guam, Tajikistan, Cameroon, South Africa, Thailand, Myanmar, South Korea, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Samoa, American Samoa, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, and China.
Through my time with YWAM I have had the privilege of both serving as a full time missionary and studying in areas of research, film production, university administration, discipleship, international team leadership international, pioneering new ministries, primary health care, counseling ministry, sustainable water technologies, teaching English as a second language, crisis emergency response, participating in mercy ministries, always accompanied with worldwide evangelism. I have met country leaders, kings, chiefs, ambassadors, pastors, teachers, renowned evangelists and incredible individuals who get no title or recognition for the incredible work they do day-today. I have lived in hill tribes, remote villages, tent cities, slept on dirt floors, couches, beds and hammocks. I’ve taught through eight different languages in six nations and have eaten some of the most bizarre and best tasting foods in the world. And nearly died multiple times in several countries, but God is good and faithful!
All of these are great stories and certainly bring a smile to my face, but none compare to the joy and honor found in what I’ve seen the Lord do. I have seen God show up in such power that people cannot stand in His presence. I have seen Jehovah-Rapha reveal Himself as the healer, growing legs, arms, mending broken bones, removing pain, straightening bent backs, healing illnesses, and in raising the dead! I have partnered with Him, ministering to the hearts of His children in bringing reconciliation, forgiveness, peace, freedom and abundant life in the most broken, battered, bitter and stubborn of people. I have seen countless people join life in the kingdom – accepting our God as their Lord and Savior! Teaching English to families using the Bible as their literature, have actively seen the truth found in God’s Word transform people's lives. I have witnessed God reveal Himself to entire congregations of thousands through some of the most unordinary and awe-inspiring manifestations of the Spirit.
Above all – I have grown closer and closer to my God. I have come to trust Him with my life, my finances, my housing, my protection, my heart, my leadership, my husband, and my influence. I no longer live for the fame of my own name or the wealth of riches, but wish with all that I am and in all that I do that my God, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Alpha and Omega, that Jesus Christ be known to others. That His name be lifted high and His character and Nature revealed to all people on earth.
My husband and I are currently working with a new branch of YWAM in Kona, Hawaii called YWAM Ships (Click this link to watch a brief video about us). We have helped pioneer a ship-equipped ministry which accesses remote and isolated people. We are currently in the Republic of Micronesia in the middle of the Pacific, have a medical equipped ship reaching the shores of Papua New Guinea, and reaching people in the coves of Panama. At our location in Kona, we run quarterly Discipleship Training Schools, a Bible Core Course, an Introduction to Primary Health Care course, and a School of Navigation and Seamanship. All of the students are trained here and then go on a field assignment with our vessels to reach the unreached and remote islands. Students and staff alike provide Bible training, medical care, teach sanitation and water technologies and ultimately love on the locals. unto seeing them experience and know God. Some of these islands we are accessing only see visiting vessels 3 times a year with no other shipping services, airports, hospitals, clean water or electricity! David and I have committed to serving here, until God calls us elsewhere, by both leading Discipleship Training Schools and facilitating local community outreaches in Kona.
Thank you all for standing with me over the past 6 years! Thank you for believing in what the Lord is doing through me and for partnering both in prayer and finances to make it possible! I couldn’t have made it this far without you!