Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Dream is Alive!

16 days!
I have been dreaming about being with YWAM now for months and it finally hit me today how it is really happening! I have spent the last few days making lists of things to get for the trip, things to take, to-do before I leave, people to get in touch with, paper work to straighten, finances smoothed out, and an assortment of other things. It was just today when I realized, "I have 2 weeks and 2 days until I leave." Wow!!!
It's finally set in and I am beyond excited, and yet a little sad as well. Being away from my family for that long, especially after being in the house with them for early 5 months, seems daunting. However, I know that it is what God has called me to and so I am ecstatic about the teachings and experiences ahead!
Since my last post my mother, sister and I have moved to Texas and have been happily living in a 2 bedroom apt for exactly one month. It's been a time of great adjustment to the dramatic change of temperature, new faces, and overall culture shock going from Nashville to Fort Worth, but a time of major growth as well. Rachelle (my little sister) is in the marching band/color guard as a sophomore in high school so we see her for about 10-30mins as she goes from practice, shower, homework and then to bed. She and I have had some beautiful late night talks about life and God and it's so encouraging to hear from her heart like that! Mom's still without a source of steady income, but it seems that this painting/bible study dream God's put on her heart is lining up faster than the day jobs she's applied for, so we're looking forward to what God has in line for that. In the mean time, she and I are running an estate sale in Fort Worth for some family friends - may I just say how blessed and thankful we are for the work! I am using the money I make through this on travel costs, health insurance, living expenses (laundry, clothes, shampoo, etc) and other necessities that come up while I'm in Kona and on outreach.
On that note I wanted to let you know how finances are coming along with the fundraising and trip money. So here's the scoop!
I have paid for my flight to Kona myself, and found great prices for the 3 connecting flights there for just over $500! (This worked in 3 days time to spend at Lee, with my brothers and sisters there, up to the day I fly out for Kona.) Upon arrival to YWAM Kona, my first payment of $4210 is due. I have made ALL of that this summer through working various jobs and using my excess scholarship money from Lee last year! The second payment is $2500, due at the end of October. Through all of your gifts, I am only $600 short of meeting this already! The last installment will be due towards the end of November and will be somewhere between $2500-$3000 (depending on the outreach country). I will also need to purchase a flight home at the beginning of the next year from Kona to Fort Worth as I have not yet done that. So I am still looking to raise about $4000 more!

God is SO faithful to provide and I am So thankful for the blessings and gifts HE has given me through your pocket and that of my employers! Without Your willingness to give I would be nowhere as close to meeting these numbers! Thank you so much! Please continue to act in obedience and if you have not given yet, or have and still feel led to give to His work, contact me and I'll send you my mailing address.

In the last few weeks, I have met most of my team members, for JusticeDTS, through Facebook and we have been constantly chatting, encouraging, praying, and laughing together and for each other already - I can hardly wait to meet all these amazing brothers and sisters! Please continue to pray for me as I begin preparations to leave in just 16 days!

This dream is proving to be not only reachable with Him, but just a small step into a grand portrait of life by the Master!

Love Always

1 comment:

  1. Oh Marisa! You are going to have such a blast! Hope all is well. I will be praying for a fun a safe journey for you.
    <3 Lindsey Rose
